FRC capsize report

Read full report here Investigating incidents involving small boats is something the International Association of Geophysical Contractors has been busy with during 2016. Four reported HIPOs of which three were FRC related and one Seismic workboat. Often these reports...

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Assumptions 2

EXPERIENCE Last week I made the point that assumptions should not be made on the ability of crews based on nationality, this week consider assumptions made on experience. Knowledge gained through experience is obviously valuable to employers, the crewman with years of...

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NATIONALITY There are a number of things going on in this brief clip to generate a good deal of discussion. To mention a few: boat handling; use of painter lines; communications; lifting arrangements and situational awareness. What is not evident from this clip is the...

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There’s a constant stream of incidents involving 3rd party contractors during seismic operations, which put lives at risk and damage careers, on these vessels. Whilst the introduction of additional control measures and supervision is of some benefit, in many cases...

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